Homeschool Tutors In Colorado Springs CO

I have worked at a boys and girls club were I was an education specialist. I would help children with homework and any related characters to education. I also would use objects and items to help them get a better understanding of their work.

Contact Dazhonna
The private school I attended encouraged graduates in upper level courses to help teachers tutor/mentor struggling students. While I was in college algebra, I tutored a 6th grade math class in my free period. All they needed was a bit of extra attention and I could provide that. They had someone to stick with them and not get impatient. All kids le...

Contact James
I have over 10 years of experience tutoring K-12th graders in after school settings.

Contact Rebecca
I have experience as an online English tutor. I am currently studying English literature, and my GPA is 3.9. I have experience professionally as both a writer and an editor. I plan on getting my PhD within the next few years. I am not just interested in English; I have a love of history, economics, and politics. I also enjoy working with kids!

Contact Andrew
I grew up being homeschooled for most of my pre-college student life, so I know all about the unique opportunities and challenges that homeschooling presents. I am currently an undergraduate through Liberty University, pursuing teacher certification for English education, and learning about new advancements in educational practices every day. I g...

Contact Sarah
I was a teaching assistant throughout college and I currently teach kids that are on the autism spectrum.

Contact Genesis

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